Are you struggling to make ends meet right now? The Minturn Community Fund’s “Neighbors in Need” program is designed to assist Minturn residents who are suffering real, immediate, and quantifiable distress in their life. If rent, utilities, childcare costs, or other necessities are piling up, we encourage you to reach out.
Please download the application form from the link above and return via email to:
Mail your application to:
MCF NIN PO Box 277, Minturn, 81645-0277
Email us or call Diana for more information.
Minturn Community Fund Neighbors in Need Program
The Minturn Community Fund’s “Neighbors in Need” (NIN) Program is designed to assist Minturn residents who are suffering real, immediate, and quantifiable distress in their life.
Program Outline:
Applicants must demonstrate residency within the Town of Minturn at the time of application to NIN.
Recipients of assistance from the Minturn Community Fund may be of any age.
Applicants must demonstrate where else they have sought assistance for this particular issue as well as fully and completely disclose any other aid or assistance pertaining (pending, promised, or awarded) to the issue in question. Failure to do so may result in loss of NIN assistance. If failure to provide this information is discovered after the award, the applicant might be legally compelled to return the funds in full to the MCF.
Applicants must apply personally, or via an agent granted written permission to act on behalf of the applicant. If an applicant is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign the application on behalf of the applicant.
Maximum amount for each NIN award is up to $1,000.00. Applicants may only be allowed one award per calendar year.
The exception to this rule is if donated funds have been earmarked, or a fundraiser has been specifically organized, on behalf of the applicant.
Monetary awards shall be paid directly by the MCF. No award money shall go directly to the applicant. Awards shall be paid upon presentation of the original invoice, bill, or other documentation.
Awards shall not be used to pay fines, court issued or mandated settlements, legal fees, late fees (or other delinquency penalties), or legal settlements.
Funds shall not be awarded for academic or voluntary pursuits such as application fees for school events. Funds are only for applicants who can reasonably demonstrate they are suffering real, immediate, and quantifiable distress in their life. Assistance is only available to promote the health, safety, and welfare of recipients.
NIN awards shall be memorialized in documentation signed by a duly appointed representative of the MCF and the applicant.
As part of any agreement, the MCF may require a repayment of the assistance in the form of volunteer hours worked on behalf of the MCF.