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Minturn Concert Series is A Go- With your help


The Concert Series is go- but it's success depends on you, the attendees.

Due to COVID, we have instituted several protocals to help make it safer for attendees and musicians, each Thursday. The line up can be found HERE

Please mind Minturn Community Volunteers and protocals to ensure we do not get shut down during this tentative gathering time. Access to the event is limited this year to 175 people, so please be aware, protect yourself and others, and have a fun time!

Information on what protocals are in place will be available at the gates.

The basics include:

  • Please wear masks walking around Little Beach, etc.

  • Please sit in designated marked areas and keep pathways clear

  • Social distance between your listening group/blanket and the next group/blanket

  • Dance like you're in the movie Footloose (don't), or, at least 6' from another dancer. Keep the front of stage clear so people can get around safely between accesses, etc.

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